
Sunday, September 11, 2011

woman with a plan

So far I've spent the first 90 minutes of the morning drinking coffee and surfing the internet for inspiration. So now I think I should start doing something. I have many crafts to do today, and a house to clean. The hubby plans to work on finishing the trim and paint in the baby's room. He promised to have it done before we find out the gender on Tuesday!!! I'm excited to start the decorating process.

I made 2 of these aprons friday night and 3 other designs. I think that was my first true sewing project, maybe not. I had a lot of help from my momma with the cutting/planning process, but I did all of the sewing myself. pretty proud. That baby bump is the product of a large bowl of soup and 2-3 glasses of sherbet punch, plus of course the baby. All I'm saying is the food baby helps make the real baby more noticeable. Ok, no more procrastinating. This house isn't going to clean itself. The maid hasn't been showing up lately for her shifts, I may consider firing her.

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