
Monday, June 25, 2012

Nursery Tour

Changing table- upcycled from my mom and painted orange. Changing table pad covered made by moy mom out of the mushroom theme fabric. Spider picture mobile- JC Penny $7

Chair $10 STD flea market. Fabric covered bulletin board diy. Crocheted blanket- gift with matching owl hat. Pillowcase made by my mom

Skunk and fawn- thrifted, turtle toy- Michael's. Owl $5 at Baker Creek seed festival. Sock Monkey homemade gift.

Fox toy/blanket bin- $40 at Francesca's (splurge). Cuckoo clock decals.

Crib skirt- made with love by my mom

Window treatments- so easy, tutorial to follow

This is supposed to be a wall of pictures of Huck's grandparents when they were little- still missing a few pics. Vintage clock and shelf- thrifted.

I'm happy with how the nursery turned out! I submitted it to Ohdeeoh- hopefully they feature it!!


  1. Looks amazing! I hope they do too! Now do the rest of your house!!

  2. You featured nothing that I made...why does Mom get all the glory...don't you love me anymore?!?!

  3. That crib skirt was an interesting project, huh Em? Measure 3X, cut once. Realize it's a one way design. Rethink. Turned out better than the original plan. Pretty fun!
