
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

7 months can make all the difference

I can not believe that 7 months ago I gave birth to my sweet precious angel of a son. So I guess tomorrow he will be 12, and the next day I'll be a grandma.... let's take a moment of silence here people.

Ok, sorry for the extra drama, it is just so hard to believe every month that flies by.

As my mom said today, lots of bad things have happened this year, but he wasn't one of them.

By the way, I used photo visi to make this collage- first time I tried it. I like it a lot better than lunapic for making collages, and it uploads the pics faster than lunapic as well.

Linking with two in diapers and the life of faith

Have a great day!


  1. Awe! I love this! Can you send me some photos I can print out here?

  2. Also, I think God knew we were gonna need him this year.

  3. Love him! And you! You are one awesome Mama.
