
Monday, February 11, 2013

party party!

Have I mentioned Huck's b-day was coming up?
Well, it officially happened, he's 1. We had such a fun party- with 40 people in our 920 square foot home it was a bit crowded but a house full of people I love is nothing to complain about. Here are some highlights.
Mom and dad decorating while baby naps, hot dog paraphernalia, circus animal toys $1 each at walmart, streamer and balloon decor courtesy of my friend Megan!
Circus peanuts make me wanna barf! Huck looked so snazzy in his big boy v-neck $6 Target. I'm not sure he cared about the cake. My sister in law made the cupcakes which tasted A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. and look at how cute they were!
Precious train cake topper. All Huck wanted was that bow! Tried to get a family photo op rather unsuccessfully. Kids running rampant in the nursery! Oh and I should mention I got this SAXY shirt at JCPenny on clearance for $5! Woot!
My mom made that stick pony in 2 days- it's incredible! Didn't know what to think about the balloons. Getting help opening the presents from his cousins. After this he really didn't help- I opened everything else, oh well. 
So many other great gifts and details I didn't get photos of. We are blessed to have so many people that not only care about us but that also love our child!



  1. How DID you fit 40 people in your house?!

  2. There were Crisco covered rollers on the front door.

  3. looks like a blast - great 1st birthday party, so much fun!

    1. thanks- glad you're following from the hop- I would return the favor if I had a link to your blog

  4. Love the cupcake toppers! :) Everything looks great! Thanks for linking up to The Weekly Creative!

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot
