
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Come and open up your folding chair next to me

We are getting ready around here for Zeleny on Friday and Saturday! Besides the amazing craft vendors (such as ourselves) there are also going to be food trucks! Plus it is during First Friday Art Walk which is always a good time, especially if the weather is nice, (which it will be)! The Zeleny facebook page has been posting pictures from the Parkville event last weekend and it looked like they had so much fun, so I am excited. Plus there will be lots of coffee drinking and chit chatting with my bestie!

Come and see us if you are in SW MO!



  1. I'm hoping to make it out there Saturday sometime. It will most likely be the last thing I do before my induction Tuesday LOL. I'm excited to see your booth too now that you are teamed up with Ashley :)

    1. thanks! I'm glad you will be able to get out and do something before mr man comes! The weather is just now getting nice and you are going to be spending a lot of time inside for a while! Our booth should be different at this one because we are only bringing things that are eco-friendly/upcycled.

  2. Sounds like fun! Wish I was closer :). Following you from the Aloha hop, follow back if you can.
