
Friday, July 19, 2013

DIY Fabric Blinds on the Cheap

Ok, you probably noticed in my post from yesterday that I have new curtains- just nod...
Well I'm pretty proud of them, but it was hard to get a good photo of them so I hope you can see the glory from these. I got this idea from some lady named Martha Stewart, you probably haven't heard of her. 

Ok, I will tell you the secret of these curtains- there are a few so listen up:

A. You need 4 pressure rods
B. You sew a tube at the top AND bottom of the curtain compared to normally you would just need a tube at the top
C. Put a rod through the top and bottom tubes, and insert the top into your window- then you have to decide if you want them open as pictured put the bottom pressure rod in the center of the window, or if you want them closed put it at the bottom.
D. The final and most exciting (to a tight-wad like me) feature of these curtains is that I used a 25 cent garage sale table cloth to make them. Plus $2.17 per pressure rod brings this to a grand total of (hang on while I get the calculator) $8.93!



  1. Thank you for posting this! I do not like traditional curtains but would love to put some in the living room. Between the girls and dog my blinds are looking pretty craptacular.

  2. CRAFTY! AND thrifty! I love it.

  3. Who is the Martha Stuart of which you speak?

  4. I love a blogger that brings a sense of humor to their posts and you succeeded. Love it! How brilliant (and frugally impressive) that you used a garage sale tablecloth to create those beautiful curtains. Lovely.

  5. I featured one of your posts awhile back, I was going to email you a link but couldn't find an email. Its on The Wednesday Weekly Review #19 if you want to stop by and check it out. I got behind in letting bloggers know I'd featured them so I started from the beginning & have been working my way up to the latest!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement GROUP Blog

  6. Love the fabric you chose! Thanks for sharing at my Pin Me Linky Party!
